Your 2017 LI women's delegate

As well as being a delegate to the main conference, I'm Labour International's delegate to Labour's National Women's Conference this year, and I hope I can do my bit towards making the conference as effective and democratic as possible.

The Women's Conference takes place on the Saturday before the main conference starts (23 September), so watch out for my posts about debates and activities around the event.
Campaigning for Lothar Binding,
Heidelberg SPD candidate

Right now, I'm reading up us much as I can to prepare for the two conference events, but it's a busy time politically for me. I'm based in Germany, and, of course, it's now the run-up to the German elections to the Bundestag. (As well as being a Labour Party member, I recently joined the German SPD.) The actual vote is while I'm in Brighton, so I've already sent off my postal vote. So when I'm in Brighton, I'll have half an eye on the results from "back home" in Heidelberg.

Feel free to contact me at if you have information, questions, or points particularly relating to the Women's Conference.
